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Cardinal Tetra Albino3 Cm Qty 12 (Purple Eye)


 Product Description

The Green Neon Tetra is an excellent looking, peaceful fish that are relatively easy to take care of. However, this fish is not recommended for the community aquarium due to its small size and somewhat specific requirements. Ideally, these should be maintained alone or at most with small, non-aggressive fish.

The Green Neon Tetra is a social species and naturally forms schools meaning 8-10 of these fish is the minimum recommended purchase since the fish will be less shy and display more interesting behaviour.

They have some subtle variations that can be fun for aquarists who are looking for something a little bit different.

This Green Neon Tetra is similar in appearance to their closely related and better-known Neon Tetra. However, these are slightly smaller, slimmer and their red patch is less pronounced. their body has a silvery-greyish base. The bright turquoise-green colouration elongates throughout the fish's body on both sides. The only red-green colouration found in them is in the head, caudal fin and ventral area.

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3.33 KGS
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